July 17th, 2018. The first person to see this and contact us via the...well...contact us page gets a 'shout out' during an episode. Seriously. Just wondering if anybody reads this.

October 9th, 2022. Last year Chris Chibnal and Jodie Whittaker announced to be leaving Doctor Who. “Old School” fans celebrate. Russel T. Davies announced to be returning as Show Runner. “Old School” fans celebrate. Latest trailer for Doctor Who’s 59th anniversary dropped yesterday. Am wagering at end of this special Whittaker’s regeneration is cut off by Donna Noble abruptly waking up. Donna then discovers Tenant’s Doctor lathering up in the Tardishower. “Old School” fans celebrate. Turns out that every episode since ‘Turn Left’ was a nightmare that negates Smith’s, Capaldi’s and Whittaker’s Doctor’s in one fell swoop. “Old School” fans are momentarily thrilled…until they realize Ncuti Gatwa is still going to be the next Doctor. “Old School” “fans” return to bitching about Who “wokeness”.

November 8, 2021. Your old buddies at the Drunktor Who Podcast are happy to announce they are going to participate in No Nut November! Oh damn! We’re out. I didn’t realize the P in PBJ stood for peanut butter. Wait…what? Oh…then I guess woulda been out a week ago then. My bad.

April 15th, 2020. Holy crap on a cracker am I sorry about the audio quality of episode 105. Oh well. Blame the pandemic. Next time we do shots of hand sanitizer.

March 8th, 2020. Turns out Squarespace still has a default limit of 100 episodes. That is unless you change 1 setting, then it’s 300. Finally figured out that setting so the missing 1st and 2nd episodes are back in the feed.

February 23rd, 2020. Looks like on the 4th anniversary of our podcast’s release I’m still learning. Actually re-learning because this happened before, but a long time ago. Turns out some sites, RSS feeds, etc just don’t like question marks in the title. Whoops. Re-released with a new title and hopefully no one will notice.

February 13th, 2019. Whelp, first time in a while that we’re going to be late. Technical difficulties mean we didn’t get an episode out this morning. We re-recorded tonight and will have it out posthaste! Maybe post-posthaste, I’m not even sure what that term means.

July 30th, 2018. Holy crap on a cracker. Tim from San Diego is now our official Podcast Intern. The man made his own Drunktor Who button and wore it to San Diego Comic Con this year. Seriously, he has officially done more to promote the show than John or I combined. Tim, you are a goddamned treasure of a man.

July 17th, 2018. The first person to see this and contact us via the 'contact us' function on the site gets a 'shout out' on our next recording. The second person to see this and contact us via the 'contact us' function on the site also gets a 'shout out' on a future recording. Third verse, same as the first. 

April 9th, 2018. Someone keeps checking this page and I feel bad that there's no real news for them to see. I don't know, maybe Heidi and I should try something exciting and exotic. Hmm. Maybe we'll eat burritos. Hey. Don't judge us. We lead rich and full lives! This was dumb, I'm sorry. Now I have regrets.

December 30th, 2017.  Episode 40 was late. Someday, maybe even someday soon, no one will have noticed since I retroactively published it three days ago. Man, I'm like an evil genius or something.

November 22nd, 2017.  What's up with Episode 37? It makes no sense why it's not working! Maybe it's the title, maybe not. Refresh your feed and see if that works. - It was the title! Stupid punctuation breaking the RSS feed...

October 25th, 2017.  Published episode 35 a week early because it's the second of a two-parter and it was done. We're so prolific.

August 9th, 2017.  Dammit again! Published episode 29 with the wrong title. Intervention II and The Second Intervention are the exact same damn thing. John should've had better standards for a co-host.

August 2nd, 2017.  Sorry, but episode 29 is going to be a week late. Blame Steve, Heidi, their new house, the Egyptian God Anubis, that one bank teller who sounds polite but deep down you know is making fun of the way you write your sevens... I forget what the point of this post was.

June 7th, 2017.  Dammit! Published Episode 25 this morning with the wrong title! Corrected it and everything's fine now. It's totally not Steve writing this, by the way.

June 5th, 2017.  HA! HA! Now Steve is updating the News page for absolutely no reason!

July 26th, 2016.  Oh by the way, we put up episodes 9, 10, 11 and 12 in the last couple of months.  And we got another written review!  Another couple of written reviews would be nice...I'm just sayin'...

April 28th, 2016.  Episode 8 is all polished up and shiny and ready for your listening pleasure.  Enjoy!

March 3rd, 2016.  The ratings are in...people seem to be listening and scoring us pretty well over all.  My whoring for 5 stars after every episode seems to be working...Steve.  Yay!  And we now have five episodes released.

March 2nd, 2016.  We're now searchable on iTunes!  Was having issues in that area but got 'em resolved.  

February 28th, 2016.  Thought next episode was gonna be available.  Guess I was wrong.  Nothing of importance happened today after all.

February 27th, 2016.  First email to site from not-Steve's wife!  Oh wait...it was from John's brother Bill.

February 26th, 2016.  Third episode available.  So...that happened.

February 24th, 2016.  Second episode released...and co-host Steve Dahlin has achieved the answer to life, the universe and, well, everything!  Happy 42nd birthday Steve!

February 23rd, 2016.  We're on iTunes now!  Aren't we fancy...

February 10th, 2016.  Drunktorwho.com is now up and running.  Podcasts to follow very soon...